Goodbyes are so tough…

Saying goodbyes are tough…especially when you know you won’t ever see that person again. It is tougher when that person is family, your parent and the worst when you can’t be there. It’s a torment. What my kids and I have gone through the last three days is nothing less than a mental torture. Yesterday, was the funeral. M made sure we could have a last look at Papajee’s face and we could see the last rites. But I know how much we cried. How can it possibly hurt so much? We are mourning every moment…while they all are together holding each other, we are silently holding ourselves.

This time when I visited India, I had prayed to Maharajjee that now that time (when our parents will leave) is approaching, please hold their hands so that they are not scared, not in pain and they pass away peacefully. I did not know it would happen so soon. But my wish was granted for Papajee. He went away very clean, peacefully. I thank my almighty 🙏.

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